Sunday, February 7, 2016

Daniel in the Lions' Den

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel in the lions' den!

We had so much fun with this lesson! Even though the kids mostly were already familiar with the story, we started by reading through it in the kids' storybook Bible.

Then we had 3 activity options:

Make It: I got this idea from Flame Creative Kids: protection pictures! We marked a symbol- a letter or a simple picture- with tape on a paper plate. Then we colored over the entire plate with crayons. After we peeled off the tape, we found that the symbol we'd made had been protected - just like Daniel was protected by God!

Play It: This was one of our best games yet! We had one "lion," who got a soccer ball. The rest of us were trying to protect our own Daniel: a tennis ball balanced on top of an upside-down cup. The lion tried to bump Daniel off the cup, while the kids tried to protect him!

Build It: We built dens for the lions out of foam blocks.

Manna from Heaven!

We had a record high number of kids at our JAM program this week, so it was a great time learning about the Israelites wandering the wilderness and getting manna from heaven! Our message was that God always provides for us, and that He answers our prayers- just like he did for the Israelites.

After learning our story and talking about the message, the kids had 3 choices:

Make It: We followed this cool tutorial to show the path we thought the Israelites may have taken through the wilderness. We drew the path in white crayon and then covered the paper in water colors to reveal the line. 

Play It: I got this game from this awesome blog. We raced to pick up cotton balls ("manna") with a spoon - a real challenge for the littler kids!

Act It: We used Playmobil figures to represent the Israelites wandering in the desert, and goldfish crackers as the manna from heaven. The kids loved playing God and dumping that manna down!