Friday, November 21, 2014

Trunk or Treat!

I know this post is loooong overdue, but it seems like there is always something else to run and go do before totally debriefing the last event! We had our first ever Trunk or Treat this year, and it was a FABULOUS success. I loved seeing the creativity everyone put into their trunks and costumes... Everyone had a theme! It was great!

One of the best things about a Trunk or Treat from the staff person's viewpoint: The congregation does the hard work! Thinking of ideas, decorating their trunks, even bringing the candy- I got to be pretty hands-off and just sit back and watch it happen!

I did have a couple of games ready inside for those kids who weren't ready for the FREEZING temps! (It was still warmer than Halloween, though- good old Michigan! We got SNOW on Halloween!) We had bobbing for apples, pin the nose on the jack o lantern, pumpkin coloring, a candy estimation game (the closest guess got to keep the candy!), and this fun witch's hat ring toss I found at Meijer for $7!

Of course, we provided the pizza, too. :)

At the end of the night we polled the congregants on the cutest, scariest, and most original costumes. We had two winners for each category (adult and child) and they each got a certificate. Everyone got a scary fake finger as a participation prize!

If you want to use the poll we used to decide on our costume winners, or the certificates we gave out, feel free!

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