Thursday, June 11, 2015

Creation in 5th and 6th Grade

The first lesson we tackled with our 5th and 6th graders was, naturally, the first Bible story: Creation!

Since most of the kids have heard the Creation story ad nauseum, we had to mix things up a little bit to get them interested. We started with a "wiggles-out" game - Flicking a paper football through a "goal." They struggled a little bit with this, to be honest- which totally surprised me. I thought preteens LOVED that game. Turns out, they could use a lot more practice!

Then we started our discussions. We thought about what "creation" meant, making a huge banner with the word CREATION. We read three Bible passages about creation, and after each one every kid drew another picture of one thing that God created. After the (giant!) banner was filled with drawings, we looked back at it and asked if God thought alllllllll of those things were good. The answer was a resounding, YES- although we did have some discussion surrounding whether certain things really were "good." After lots of thinking, we decided to table the issue until next week (Adam and Eve).

Finally, we got to the good part: Making our own creations! We has some super creative groups. They were given a random assortment of materials to help... 

Froot loops, paper plates, toothpicks, duplos, and more.

And check out what they came up with!

Then we discussed what was good about our creations. We all decided they were very good!

Happy creating!

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